
“If love found a path to heaven, and memories had steps, we would climb all the way up and bring you back!”

If you find out that your child is seriously ill, dying or dead, the expected continuum of pregnancy, childbirth and family time is disrupted. The resumption of this continuum will allow you to regain your strength and make room for the following question:

What was planned for my child/for the birth?
Giving birth to your child the way you imagined birth would be, before the bad news. There is nothing wrong with that.


• Pain management
• Type of birth (birthing pool, positions, supporting aids)
• Atmosphere (own music, candlelight, fragrance oil, massage, etc.)

Caesarean section

Where a caesarean section was originally planned, a natural birth is possible if you have no medical complications. For your mourning process, it can be important to witness the birthing process and actively say farewell to the child.


The breasts already start to prepare for milk production during pregnancy, so that the mother can breastfeed her baby right after birth. If the child dies in the womb or shortly after birth, everything is ready for breastfeeding. There are two ways to deal with lactation:

• Physiological support and therapeutic applications
• Drug intervention and acceleration of lactation suppression

The current state of research has shown that the drug intervention works faster at the beginning of the lactation suppression process, but over the entire course it does not have an advantage over the natural methods.
In retrospect, most mothers appreciate the conscious experience of the natural processes. The main reasons stated as being the differentiated clarification, enough time to decide and professional support.

Further important information about milk production/lactation suppression can be found here:, just in German